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Image by Simon Connellan
Image by Munbaik Cycling Clothing
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Affordable bike fitting for all cyclists

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Feet, Pelvis, Shoulders, Hands. . . It's all about you. . .

The Warsash Bike Fit Studio offer professional bike fitting at affordable prices. Our qualified staff will apply professional techniques on an individual basis to ensure that your bike is set up to optimise power, reduce injuries and increase comfort. Our suite of fittings includes: 

  • Cleats: The causes of most knee pain. A four dimensional issue.

  • Crank length: The unknown problem.

  • Seat height: Not as simple as you may think.

  • Horizontal seat position: Are your hips misplaced?

  • Seat pitch: This can cause some embarrassing issues.

  • Seat type: From bottom ache to serious implications

  • Stem length: Is this causing you back ache.

  • Lever position: Its not just about braking

  • Bar position or height. Where to you want the power.

  • Bar width: Yes it does make a difference

Whether you want more power, to protect yourself from injuries, solve an existing injury issue or just increase comfort, a bike fit could be exactly what you need. Contrary to popular belief, Its not about lasers and technology, it's about talking to you about how your body interacts with your riding style. We combine our technology with our ability to listen to you, allowing us deliver bespoke bike fitting designed to suit you, your bike, your discipline and your riding style. All of this is backed up by professional qualified bike mechanics from Warsash Cycles who understand bikes inside out. A full service in one. 

We offer the following services (please see below for further details):

  • Dynamic assessment, bike fitting and full report all of the above plus a professional report: £99.00

  • Cleat assessment and adjustment: £45.00

  • Saddle height, position, pitch assessment and adjustment: £45.00

  • Handlebar width, stem, lever hood assessment and adjustment: £45.00

  • Dynamic assessment, bike fitting and full report all of the above plus a professional report: £99.00

  • Ultimate assessment, bike fitting and full report all of the above plus a professional report: £99.00

  • Combined service and bike fit from: £170.00

  • New bike sizing: £50.00



Friends that I cycle with have said that I should get a bike fit. I had dismissed the idea as I thought it was only for elite cyclists that spend all their money on their passion. As a long retired cyclist my aim is to carry on cycling for as long as I can. I get knee pain so I considered a bike fit to see if this would solve that problem. I didn't want to spend a lot of money as I was still sceptical about the benefits and value to me. I looked at various 'fitters' and Simon seemed to have the right words that appealed to me. Affordable bike fits for all.

At the fit, Simon explained his philosophy about making bike fits affordable to all. He explained his process and the reasons why at each step of the way. After a little running on the spot to see where my feet landed, he moved onto cleat positioning. Then onto the rollers to set saddle height and position and length of bar stem etc. Simon was very professional and helpful. He didn't try to sell me any extras such as longer cranks or anything else.


So what was the result. I now cycle without any knee pain and I am getting PB's again on some of my favourite routes. Would I recommend a bike fit? You bet. And would I also recommend Simon of Warsash cycles. A resounding YES from me. You don't need all the fancy laser measurement and printouts that you would put away in a drawer never to be read again. Simon gives you a one page printout of all the measurements you'll need to set up a second or a new bike. Not only was the bike fit good value and well worth the spend, but Simon is also a fellow keen cyclist and a nice guy as well.

Dynamic Fit: Was £110.00 now £99.00 

Fitt of your current bike to you. We start with a 20 minute discussion where we identify why, what, where and how you ride, any issues or aspersions you have. We will then perform a pre-fit assessment, to determine your current riding position which involves an analysis of your natural flexibility, core strength and biomechanics. This looks at foot arches, pitch and foot rotation, leg length discrepancy, pelvic and shoulder alignment etc, followed by a few exercises (hamstring raises, standing calf raises etc) and stretches. This is conducted both on an off your bike using our Turbo Trainer.


This informs the bike fit process where we look at cleats, pedal arm length, seat height, horizontal alignment and saddle pitch. This gives us optimum heights for legs and feet. We then move on to the bars for bar height and handle and lever position. This is followed up with a two page analysis REPORT. 


Our price is for one bike. Extra bikes charged at £75.00 per bike or £99.00 for bike and cleats. Please note; the price does not include any components or adaptors.


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Ultimate Bike Fit: £99.00

Using our purpose built ExuStar bike fit machine, we can offer you the Ultimate Bike Fit. When we fit your existing bike to you, we are restricted to the geometry & size of your bike. With our ExuStar bike fit machine, we can by-pass all of the restrictions to find that Ultimate Bike Fit for you that you can match to either your existing bike or for a bike that you may want to purchase in the future. This fit is perfect if you are building your own bike, getting a custom built bike from one of the many custom builder or finding the closest off the shelf option. This becomes your fit for life and can be referred back to at any point in your cycling lifecycle. 

Our Ultimate Bike Fit follows the same process as our Dynamic Bike Fit but uses the ExuStar rather than your bike. You will also recieve a two page analysis report.




The perfect pairing. Combine one of our high quality Warsash Cycles services with our dynamic bike fit to give you a smooth and tuned machine that has been adjusted exactly to fit you. We will take you bike in, perform the chosen service and once this has been completed we move from the workshop into the studio to complete the bike fit. The are two packages available for you to choose from:

Professional Bike Fit Package:


Combine our professional service (usually £110.00) and dynamic bike fit (usually £99.00) for just £189.00


Full Bike Fit Package: 


Combine our full service (usually £79.00) and dynamic bike fit (usually £99.00) for just £170.00.


Our prices are for one bike, please contact for extra bikes.


Image by Coen van de Broek
Image by KBO Bike

New Bike Sizing: £60.00

Many new bikes are bought directly from the internet from sites such as Wiggle. But how do you know you are getting the correct size. At the Warsash Bike Fit Studio, we use our Ecustar bike fit machine to emulate the bike that you are interested in so that you can try any bike, from the internet, for size before you buy it. We will equipped you with the information required to purchase a bike that fits. The service takes 30mins to one hour and will size you for two different frame sizes so that you can make a really informed choice and potentially save you from buying the wrong size bike. 


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Elves Bike Sizing: Free

If you are in the market for one of our fantastic custom built Elves Bikes from our partners at Elves Bikes Uk Ltd, then you can have a sizing on us, free of charge.


As an Approved Elves Custom Shop, using our ExuStar bike fit machine, we will work with you to identify the correct frame size, bar size, stem length etc to ensure that your custom built Elves Bike fits you like a glove. 

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Quick fit: Saddle position assessment & adjustment - From £45.00

Saddle height is a problem on most bike we see. too low and you lose serious power, too high and you start rotating your hips. Too far forward or back will cause both power and comfort issues. Having the saddle at the wrong pitch can cause, especially in men, some embarrassing long term issues. Our three dimensional assessment will position your saddle exactly where you need it. We use laser technology and confirmed industry metrics to assess in appropriate body movement caused by incorrect saddle positioning. This is included in the Dynamic Bike Fit.


Our price is for one bike. Extra bikes charged at £40.00 per bike. Please note; the price does not include any components or adaptors

Foot fit: Cleat assessment & adjustment - From £45.00

Your shoes are one of the most important area of your fitting. Get these wrong and your knees, legs and hips will be out of line and can cause calf, knee and hip injuries. We complete a five dimensional assessment of your feet and adapt your cleat positioning appropriately for height, position lateral flex, pitch and individual leg length. This is included in the Dynamic Bike Fit.


Our price is for one pair of shoes. Further shoes charges at £15.00 per pair, allowing us to correctly position the cleats on each pair of shoes. Please note; the price does not include any components or adaptors


Quick fit: Handle bar width, stem length, bar & hood position assessment and adjustment: £45.00

Poor handle bar position can cause hand, wrist, shoulder and  back issues We assess your upper body position, shoulder width, bar height, width, and lever hood or brake positions to identify your option set up for both efficiency, power and comfort. This is included in the Dynamic Bike Fit.


Our price is for one bike. Extra bikes charged at £40.00 per bike. Please note; the price does not include any components or adaptors

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